Small Infrastructure for Water and Sanitation (SIWS) Programe – Kosovo
The purpose of this study was to assess the potential impact of a water tank construction on the Gadima cave located in Murtur Mountain.
The project aimed to investigate two main aspects: the influence of the water tank’s weight on the soil stability in its vicinity and the potential effect on the internal structure of the Gadima Cave. The study focused on analyzing the geological, hydrogeological, and hydro-meteorological factors to provide a comprehensive understanding of the project’s potential impacts.
Special attention was given to obtaining data on the physical-mechanical and hydrotechnical properties of carbonate formations similar to those in which similar constructions or hydropower works were implemented.
The team carried out extensive data collection, gathering analytical, hydrogeological, hydrometeorological, and geological information relevant to the study region. Special attention was given to obtaining data on the physical-mechanical and hydrotechnical properties of carbonate formations similar to those in which similar constructions or hydropower works were implemented. Hydrometeorological data, including precipitation patterns, frost periods, and other relevant climatic factors, were carefully analyzed to support informed assessments.
Regular meetings were conducted with the Municipality of Lipjan and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning to exchange information and address any concerns related to the project. Site visits were an essential part of the study, allowing for detailed observations and assessments of the region’s geomorphological, geological, hydrological, and hydrogeological features.
Topographical investigations were conducted to gather precise data on the project site. The final report prepared by the team presented the comprehensive findings, analysis, and recommendations based on the collected data and observations. The report aimed to provide a clear understanding of the potential impacts of the water tank construction on the Gadima cave, assisting in informed decision-making and ensuring the preservation of the cave’s integrity and the surrounding environment.